From The Kahuna – Some Updates

It’s been a crazy week with everything going on and scrambling to make sure there’s enough money and supplies available to make it through the next few weeks. Since we live in CA and we are essentially on “Shelter-In-Place” status, it has turned into having a little more time to get some things done.

This time last week, it looked like both Offspring #3 and Mrs. Kahuna were going to get a couple of weeks off. Now? It looks like it’s more like off until August. The dogs don’t know what to do with all the people home.

Me, I started trying to get more productive on Arnathia. First up was completing a map of the capital city, Orsholon City

The city is fairly large and is home to 13,000 citizens, so I needed to create a map that looked big enough but had enough detail that I could add callouts as needed to locations. This was my first true top-down map. Not perfect, but a good start and I can always produce revisions as necessary.

Of course, having the map, I needed to create the actual city description itself.

So creating Orsholon City happened. But that led to having to define the Royal Family. Which led to creating a timeline of the reigns of the kings. But on Arnathia they have been in power for close to 5000 years. That’s a lot of timeline. All the way down the left side of this page.

That means coming up with names. I only came up with the first name, and then the last 15-20 generations. I have the time periods all blocked out, but got tired of creating names.

It also required graphics for the city page, including the one above for the top of the page, and the greeting poster that is pasted near the main gate.

And then the sections of the city for academia, and the industrial part of town, the affluent neighborhood and the craft guild section.

There’s a lot of city.

And there’s a lot of backstory.

You’ll see a lot of that story in the coming weeks. For now – I’m giving my brain a little break. For ten minutes or so. Not like I’m going anywhere.

Stay out of trouble, or don’t get caught,

– Kahuna The Elder