From The Kahuna – A Task List, Of Sorts

One thing about having to sit around the house: You realize all the things you should or could be doing.

Then you sit some more.

So today, I’m going to start listing things that need to get done for my creative work. I figure if I can get it down on paper…errr… page, I might be able to hold myself to it.

For example, yesterday I spent a good 30 minutes just reorganizing and deleting Chrome bookmarks that I never use. Like, ever. Like, I can’t remember why I bookmarked them.

Of course, Mrs. Kahuna has her own list for me.

I try to get one done per day. This is about the level that keeps me out of trouble and still lets me go off into my own little world with headphones on. As one does.

So what’s on my list? Good question. I’m torn.

On one hand, I want to keep building out the world of Arnathia. I enjoy the creation of new lore, new characters, new organizations.

On the other hand, I originally started this to create a playable adventure in the D&D5E game play system.

And on the other hand (yes, I’ve run out of hands) I am creating it from a story I’ve had running around in my brain for oh, I don’t know, about 30 years.

Normally, at this time of day, I’d be sitting around waiting for a passenger in my alter ego as a Lyft driver. But rides out there are pretty much non-existent, at least in this area. Shelter-in-place orders kinda have that effect.

So which do I work on first? Or do I just bounce between them? Which will people be interested in? Is anybody even reading this?

So, here’s a first stab at the list:

  • Create four characters to act as proxies for players in the first adventure. Done
  • Write the pieces necessary for them to have the adventure on their own. These will be hidden from public view until the whole adventure is complete.
  • Start writing the narrative that follows these characters through the adventure.
  • Create more backstory for these characters.
  • Release adventure and the story together.

Of course, this brings another idea to mind: Not only create the world, but start it on a clock. Once enough of the environment is complete, adventures change over time. Also, weather, things outside the story. If you participate, you change the narrative.

Yeah, that’s a good start. What’s on your list?

Stay out of trouble, or don’t get caught.

– Kahuna The Elder