Inspiration from the Twitterverse

Inspiration from the Twitterverse


Today I was browsing the @KahunaTheElder account and came across a post by @SHelmigh about how they use banners for organizations to create themes in their art

Lawcrane WIP – Pt. 2

Lawcrane WIP – Pt. 2


Spent some more time working on Lawcrane. Added the very dense Docks area, as well as elven and dwarven areas. Also added an island that acts as a barrier for the harbor, a wall around the city, a small estuary area, a moat around the royal compound and a number… Read more

Lawcrane – Work In Progress

Lawcrane – Work In Progress


This is the latest WIP (Work In Progress) for Arnathia, a map for Lawcrane, a port town. The northern part of the town is filling out, but the central, west and south parts are woefully empty. What this means is that I have a whole lot of buildings to add…. Read more

Theme Music Thursday:

Theme Music Thursday:


So it’s Thursday, which makes it a Theme Music Day! Today’s theme is Epic Charging. This is the kind of music that inspires you to battle, whether it’s to defend a keep or brave the 15-item-or-less line at the grocery store. What music inspires you to battle?

Say What?

Say What?


One thing about creating a new world – you can’t assume they’ll all speak the same language. And on Arnathia, there was an event that changed the course of history and wiped out more than 85% of the life on the planet. So it makes sense that the language morphed over time.