Site icon Kahuna The Elder


You made it here. That’s a good first step. Now, where are you?

You’re at my site, I am Leo Soderman, worldbuilder, storyteller and voice actor. I am currently working on building the word of Arnathia, over on World Anvil. The world is the base for a series of roleplaying game modules I’m working on, the first featuring a character named Hargus Hurryhouse.

All of the material regarding Arnathia is of my creation. Graphics, storylines, maps were all created by yours truly.

So, you’ve come here and you’re thinking “What have I stumbled upon?”. Is this a game? A story? A fantasy?

 Well…It’s all of the above. 

Since the mid 1980’s, I have had ideas rolling around in my head for some stories. I tried starting by writing them down, but all the extra details that needed to be in there would come and I would fail to write them down and lose the flow. So I would put the stories down for a while. 

I would come back to it with a different viewpoint on the same story, start all over and hit the same result. Over and over, never really getting anywhere. 

Fast forward to December 2019. My kid and I started going to a local shop to play D&D. As a teenager I was always the Dungeon Master so it was kind of fun to be a player for once. We had fun, and have gone back for more sessions. But these sessions triggered something in me. A desire to create. The same thing that drove me to be the DM in my younger days. The ability to create my own world. 

And then it dawned on me: This was the way to create and tell those stories in my head. I began researching tools that might help me. I found mapmaking tools, name generators, encounter creators. And then I found one tool that helped me bring it all together: World Anvil. And here you are. 

For the last couple of months, I have been creating. Maps, stories, characters, languages – everything here. Every image, every detail has come from my brain. And the key that has allowed me to continue creating is that I deposit everything here and have it all be interconnected, automagically. So when my brain gets bored or tired one thing, I move on to another. Or if I suddenly have a great idea, I create it and keep moving. 

So yes, this is a game (the mechanics and details are based on a D&D SRD5 ruleset). And it’s a story. Many stories, actually. And it is fantasy with a lot of detail. I hope you’ll come back often as this world is fleshed out and stories develop. Until then, stay out of trouble, or don’t get caught..

 Leo Soderman – Kahuna The Elder

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